The point C(3, -1)is translated to the left 4 units and up 1 unit.

How do I write a rule to describe the translation?

(x,y) -> (x-4,y+1)

That's (x,y) -> (x-4,y+1); (7, -2)

so which one is it?

To write a rule that describes the translation, we need to understand the specific changes that occur to each coordinate when we move the point.

In this case, the point C(3,-1) is translated to the left 4 units and up 1 unit. Let's break down the changes for each coordinate:

1. For the x-coordinate: The point is translated to the left by 4 units. This means the x-coordinate decreases by 4. So, we write this as -4.

2. For the y-coordinate: The point is translated up by 1 unit. This means the y-coordinate increases by 1. So, we write this as +1.

Now, combining these changes, the rule for the translation of point C can be written as:

(x, y) -> (x - 4, y + 1)

This rule states that the new x-coordinate is obtained by subtracting 4 from the original x-coordinate, and the new y-coordinate is obtained by adding 1 to the original y-coordinate.