What other activities did the girls in the group choose?

To find out what other activities the girls in the group chose, you could follow these steps:

1. Determine the source: Identify where you can find information about the group and their activities. This could be from a website, social media account, or any other platform where the group shares their updates or announcements.

2. Search online: Use search engines like Google to find the group's official website or social media accounts. You can enter keywords such as the name of the group, their recent activities, or any specific event they participated in.

3. Explore their website or social media: Once you have found the group's official website or social media accounts, navigate through the available content. Look for sections like "Activities," "Events," or "Updates" to gather information about what other activities the girls in the group have chosen.

4. Check their posts or updates: Look for recent posts, articles, or status updates that mention the activities chosen by the girls in the group. This could include participating in concerts, taking part in community events, attending workshops, volunteering for a cause, and much more.

5. Engage with the community: If you can't find the information you're looking for or want to get more details, consider engaging with the group and their fanbase. You can leave comments, send messages, or join their official forums or fan clubs to interact with other fans who might have information about the activities chosen by the girls.

By following these steps, you should be able to find information about the activities chosen by the girls in the group.

To answer your question step-by-step, I will need more information about the group you are referring to. Please provide some context or specify which group you are referring to (e.g., a specific group of girls, a school group, a sports team), and I will be happy to provide you with the activities they chose.