what is the prose paraphrase of the poem The Unknown Citizen

Many prose paraphrases have been written. Did you has a specific one in mind?

Or are you supposed to paraphrase it yourself?

suppose to paraphrase it myself, but I'm not good at that

Do the best you can.

Are you supposed to paraphrase it line by line? Or are you supposed to write a brief summary?

Dixie, you asked the same question earlier today. Ask yourself what the poem means, what the poet intended you to see, feel, etc. Then put the idea or ideas into your own words. If you do not understand the poem, perhaps we can help you, but once you do understand it, it should be easy to put those ideas into your own words, or paraphrase it.

To provide a prose paraphrase of the poem "The Unknown Citizen" by W.H. Auden, we need to translate the poem's content into straightforward, non-poetic language.

The poem, "The Unknown Citizen," examines the life of an ordinary citizen from the perspective of the government. It describes a person who lived a completely average and unremarkable life, conforming to societal expectations and fulfilling their responsibilities as a model citizen.

In this poem, the unknown citizen is presented as an ideal figure, a symbol of conformity and obedience to societal norms. The government proudly points out that this citizen never caused any trouble, had a job, paid taxes, and followed all the rules governing their behavior.

The poem emphasizes that the unknown citizen was not an extraordinary or exceptional individual. Instead, they were a perfectly average person who fulfilled their duties without questioning or deviating from the expected standards of behavior set by society and the government.

The government, in its assessment, suggests that the unknown citizen's conformity is evidence of his success and happiness. They indicate that this citizen lived in a planned community, was well-insured, and participated in various organizations and activities that were considered socially acceptable.

Overall, the poem presents a critical commentary on the conformist nature of modern society and the price individuals pay to fit into predetermined societal expectations. It questions whether living an unremarkable and obedient life can truly be considered a measure of success and fulfillment.

To get a complete understanding of the poem, it's recommended to read the original text by W.H. Auden and analyze its various themes, imagery, and poetic devices to gain a deeper appreciation of the poet's intended meaning.