The distance to the nearest 100,000 km from the earth to the moon is given as 400,000 km. The average speed to the Nearest 500km/h is 3500km/h. Calculate the least and greatest time it takes the rocket to reach the moon

I figured out the formula speed = distance / time but none of these numbers and giving me the answers like my textbook which are 93.3and 138.5

time = distance/speed

min time = (400,000-100,000)/(3500+500) = 75

max time = (400,000+100,000)/(3500-500) = 166.7

I don't get those answers either.

To calculate the time it takes for the rocket to reach the moon, we can use the formula time = distance / speed.

Distance to the nearest 100,000 km from the earth to the moon = 400,000 km
Average speed to the nearest 500 km/h = 3,500 km/h

To find the least and greatest time, we need to consider both the minimum and maximum values for distance and speed.

For the least time:
Minimum distance = 400,000 km - 50,000 km (half of the nearest 100,000 km) = 350,000 km
Minimum speed = 3,500 km/h - 250 km/h (half of the nearest 500 km/h) = 3,250 km/h

Time = distance / speed
Least time = 350,000 km / 3,250 km/h

To calculate this value, divide 350,000 by 3,250, which gives you approximately 107.6923 hours.

For the greatest time:
Maximum distance = 400,000 km + 50,000 km = 450,000 km
Maximum speed = 3,500 km/h + 250 km/h = 3,750 km/h

Time = distance / speed
Greatest time = 450,000 km / 3,750 km/h

To calculate this value, divide 450,000 by 3,750, which gives you approximately 120 hours.

Therefore, the least time it takes the rocket to reach the moon is approximately 107.6923 hours (or 93.3 hours according to your textbook), and the greatest time is approximately 120 hours (or 138.5 hours according to your textbook).