To narrow a general topic you've selected, which pair of techniques is most likely to be effective?

A. Freewriting and questioning
B. Using a branching diagram and consulting your journal
C. Questioning and choosing an issue that interests you
D. Branching diagram and questioning

my answer is d.

I believe you're right.

Your answer, D (branching diagram and questioning), is the correct choice.

To narrow a general topic effectively, using a branching diagram and questioning can be quite effective. Here's how you can employ these techniques:

1. Branching diagram: Start by creating a branching diagram or a mind map. Write the general topic in the center of the page, then branch out to subtopics or related ideas. Continue branching out further until you have a comprehensive representation of the topic.

2. Questioning: As you create your branching diagram, ask yourself relevant questions about each subtopic. This will help you explore different aspects, perspectives, or issues related to the general topic. By questioning, you can generate new ideas or identify specific areas of interest.

By combining the branching diagram and questioning techniques, you provide a structured framework for exploration while actively engaging with your topic. This process will help you narrow down a general topic by focusing on specific subtopics or issues that interest you the most.

Therefore, D (branching diagram and questioning) is the most likely and effective pair of techniques to narrow a general topic.

Your answer of D, using a branching diagram and questioning, is correct. These two techniques are the most likely to be effective for narrowing a general topic. A branching diagram can help you visually organize your thoughts and explore different subtopics within a broader topic. Questioning, on the other hand, allows you to critically analyze and assess the different aspects and angles of the topic, helping you to further narrow down your focus.