Paddy and Clare are writing effective conclusions. Paddy's conclusion will summarize his main point

and reaffirm his theses statement. Clare's conclusion will take the readers beyond the scope of her essay.
Who is writing an effective conclusion?
A. Both Paddy and Clare
B. Only Paddy
C. Only Care
D. Neither Paddy nor Clare

What do you think?

my answer is b.

You're right.

To determine who is writing an effective conclusion, we need to understand the purpose and elements of a conclusion.

A conclusion is the final part of an essay or any piece of writing, and it serves to wrap up the main points and leave a lasting impression on the reader. It should not introduce any new information, but rather summarize the main ideas and bring the essay to a satisfying close.

In this case, Paddy's conclusion is said to summarize his main point and reaffirm his thesis statement. This indicates that he is effectively summarizing the ideas discussed in the essay and providing a clear and concise ending that mirrors his main argument. This suggests that Paddy is working towards an effective conclusion.

On the other hand, Clare's conclusion is said to take the readers beyond the scope of her essay. This suggests that she is introducing new information or ideas that go beyond what has been discussed in the essay. In doing so, she is not effectively wrapping up the essay's main points or providing a satisfying conclusion. Therefore, Clare is not writing an effective conclusion.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is B. Only Paddy is writing an effective conclusion.