How can you describe the location of hafnium (Hf, atomic number 72) on the periodic table? choose all that apply.

-Transition metals
-noble gases
-group 6, period 4
-group 4, period 6

pls help me damon or ms sue
pls help me pls pls pls

i am having trouble on this

is it a and d


It is a transition metal.
It is is row 6 and column 4 so that makes it group 4 and period 6.

thank you so much!!!

To describe the location of hafnium (Hf) on the periodic table, we can refer to its atomic number and periodic trends.

1. Transition metals: Hafnium (Hf) belongs to the transition metals. These are elements located in the d-block of the periodic table, between groups 2 and 13. Transition metals are characterized by their ability to form stable ions with variable oxidation states.

2. Noble gases: Hafnium (Hf) is not a noble gas. Noble gases are a group of elements found in Group 18 of the periodic table, including elements like helium, neon, and argon. These elements have completely filled electron shells and are generally unreactive.

3. Group 6, Period 4: Hafnium (Hf) is not in Group 6, Period 4. In Group 6, you can find elements like oxygen (O) and sulfur (S). Hafnium is located under Group 4.

4. Group 4, Period 6: Hafnium (Hf) is in Group 4, Period 6. In Group 4, you can find elements like titanium (Ti) and zirconium (Zr). Hafnium is located right below zirconium.

So, the correct answer is: Transition metals and Group 4, Period 6.