Corey et al. does an excellent job addressing the initial stages of a group. In the workbook, they challenge you to think about a group you want to lead and how what you viewed in the video might be modified for your group. Discuss how you can implement these techniques in your group. Make sure to properly cite your sources and reference your citations at the end.

Since we haven't seen the workbook nor the video, how do you think we can help you?

To implement the techniques discussed by Corey et al. in your group, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify your group's purpose and goals: Clearly define the purpose and goals of your group. This will help you determine what techniques will be most effective in achieving those objectives.

2. Establish group norms and guidelines: Create guidelines that outline how members should behave and interact within the group. These guidelines might include active listening, mutual respect, and confidentiality. Communicate these norms to the group members and ensure everyone understands and agrees to abide by them.

3. Foster a sense of cohesion and trust: Encourage members to connect with each other on a personal level through ice-breakers, team-building activities, or social events. Building trust is crucial for effective group functioning.

4. Utilize active listening techniques: Promote active listening by encouraging members to paraphrase or summarize others' thoughts before sharing their own. Active listening helps ensure that everyone's opinions and ideas are valued and understood.

5. Facilitate effective communication: Create an open and inclusive environment where members feel comfortable expressing their opinions and concerns. Encourage open-mindedness and discourage judgment or negativity.

6. Address conflict constructively: Conflict is inevitable in any group. Teach members conflict resolution techniques, such as using "I" statements, active listening, and seeking to understand different perspectives. Emphasize the importance of resolving conflicts in a respectful and constructive manner.

7. Encourage participation and shared decision-making: Strive for equal participation from all members and make sure everyone's voice is heard. Implement methods like round robin discussions or rotating leadership roles to ensure diverse perspectives and ideas are considered.

8. Reflect and evaluate: Regularly reflect on the group's progress and examine whether the implemented techniques are effectively contributing towards your group's goals. Make necessary adjustments as needed.

When citing Corey et al.'s video, you can use the following APA citation format:

Corey, M. S., Corey, G., & Haynes, R. (2018). Group techniques for establishing the group. In M. S. Corey, G. Corey, & C. Corey (Eds.), Groups: Process and Practice (10th ed., pp. 58-67). Cengage Learning.

Remember to create a reference list at the end of your discussion, listing all the sources you cited in APA format.