Find the perimeter and are of a regular truangle with an apothem of 9 ft.

Is the perimeter 54 ft & the area 243 ft?

No, I got the side to be 18/√3

check how I did your other question dealing with the equilateral triangle.

To find the perimeter of a regular triangle, we need to know the length of one side. However, with the given information of just the apothem (the distance from the center of the triangle to any of its sides), we cannot directly determine the length of a side.

The formula for the perimeter of a regular triangle is P = 3s, where P is the perimeter and s is the length of one side.

To find the length of the side, we can use the apothem and the relationship between the side length (s) and the apothem (a) of a regular triangle. This relationship is given by a = s / (2 * tan(π/3)), where π/3 is the angle between the apothem and the side.

In this case, the apothem is given as 9 ft. Let's substitute this value into the equation:

9 = s / (2 * tan(π/3))

Now we can solve for s:

s = 2 * 9 * tan(π/3)
s ≈ 2 * 9 * 1.732 (approximately, since tan(π/3) = 1.732)
s ≈ 31.176 ft (approximately)

Now that we have the length of one side, we can calculate the perimeter:

P = 3s
P = 3 * 31.176 ft
P ≈ 93.528 ft (approximately)

So, the perimeter of the regular triangle is approximately 93.528 ft.

To find the area of a regular triangle, we can use the formula A = (1/2) * P * a, where A is the area, P is the perimeter, and a is the apothem.

In this case, we have already found the perimeter to be approximately 93.528 ft and the apothem to be 9 ft. Let's substitute these values into the formula:

A = (1/2) * 93.528 ft * 9 ft
A ≈ 421.376 ft² (approximately)

So, the area of the regular triangle is approximately 421.376 ft².

Therefore, the given values of 54 ft for the perimeter and 243 ft for the area are incorrect. The correct answers are approximately 93.528 ft for the perimeter and 421.376 ft² for the area.