2. Because information listed on a website can change from day to day, _______ must be included in the end citation on the Works Cited page.

A. the title of the site
B. the publication date
C. the date of access
D. the URL

I think b or c but I'm not sure

I think c

The publication date.

Misread the question! Sorry!

B is wrong! Currently retaking my test

update: the correct answer is C. the date of access

You're on the right track! When citing information from a website, it is important to include specific details that can help readers locate the exact information you used. In this case, because information on a website can change over time, you need to include the date you accessed the website.

So the correct answer is C. the date of access.

To determine the date of access, you should record the date you visited the website and use that as the date of access in your citation. This helps ensure that others can verify and retrieve the same information you used. Remember to use the citation style recommended by your instructor or publication when formatting your Works Cited page.

Including the title of the site (option A) is also important in the citation to provide clarity and context about the source. However, the date of access (option C) is crucial to acknowledge that the information you accessed may have been different on a different day. Therefore, option C is the more specific answer in this case.