A number cube with the numbers 1 through 6 is rolled. find the given probability

P(number < 2) (1 point)

2/6 ***

P(number ≥ 3) (1 point)

I think it's A .. I'm not quiet sure. please help

P(complement of 4) (1 point)

2/6 ***

1. How many numbers are (less than) <2?

2. Right

3. "Complement of 4" means all the numbers that are not 4.

To find the probability of an event, you need to determine the number of favorable outcomes (the outcomes you are interested in) and divide it by the total number of possible outcomes.

1. P(number < 2)
- There is only one favorable outcome in this case, which is rolling a 1.
- The total number of possible outcomes is 6 (since the number cube has 6 sides).
- So, the probability is 1 favorable outcome divided by 6 possible outcomes, which gives you 1/6.

2. P(number ≥ 3)
- The favorable outcomes in this case are rolling a 3, 4, 5, or 6.
- The total number of possible outcomes remains 6.
- There are 4 favorable outcomes, so the probability is 4/6 or simplifying, 2/3 (option D).

3. P(complement of 4)
- The complement of an event is the probability of that event not occurring. In this case, it means the probability of rolling a number that is not 4.
- There are 5 numbers that are not 4 (1, 2, 3, 5, 6). These are the favorable outcomes.
- The total number of possible outcomes is still 6.
- So, the probability is 5 favorable outcomes divided by 6 possible outcomes, which gives you 5/6 (option B).

So, the correct answers are:
1. P(number < 2) = 1/6 (option B)
2. P(number ≥ 3) = 2/3 (option D)
3. P(complement of 4) = 5/6 (option B)