london england is approximately 51° north latitude 0° longitude. binghamton new york is about 42° north latitude 76° west longitude why does binghamton have colder winters?



The reason why Binghamton, New York, has colder winters compared to London, England, is primarily due to its location and geographical factors. Binghamton is located at a higher latitude and further inland compared to London, which plays a significant role in determining its climate.

Latitude: Binghamton is situated at around 42° north latitude, which is closer to the North Pole than London, which is located at about 51° north latitude. As you move further north from the equator, the angle at which sunlight reaches the Earth's surface decreases, resulting in less direct and less intense sunlight. This leads to colder temperatures.

Inland Location: Binghamton is also further inland than London, which means it is not directly affected by moderating influences from the ocean. Due to the Atlantic Ocean's proximity, London experiences a maritime climate, which is characterized by milder winters and cooler summers due to the ocean's ability to store and release heat. Binghamton, on the other hand, has a more continental climate, as it is located further away from large bodies of water. Continental climates tend to have more extreme temperature ranges, with colder winters and hotter summers.

Elevation: Another factor contributing to Binghamton's colder winters is its higher elevation. Binghamton is situated in the Appalachian Mountains, at an elevation of around 860 feet (262 meters) above sea level. Higher elevations generally experience colder temperatures due to the decrease in atmospheric pressure, which leads to a drop in temperature.

These combined factors of higher latitude, inland location, and elevation contribute to Binghamton, New York experiencing colder winters compared to London, England.