please help i have my answers just not sure if im correct :(

what criticism did tillman direct at conservations?
a.)they controlled the office of the govnr
b.)they didn't think blacks should vote ******
c.)they believed in white supremacy
d.)they didn't care about the common people

which industry attracted workers by promising housing ?
a.)lumber *******
b.) textile
c.) oil
d.) phosphate

what was the purpose of the jim crow laws in South carolina ?
a.) to stop African Americans from voting
b.)to stop poor whites from voting
c.)to take land from African americans
d.) to help affrican americans gain jobs ******

So the first one is....

1. D - they didn't care about the common people

2. B - textile
3. A - to stop African Americans from voting

im confused about that last one would it be a or b ? and yes for number 1 and im not sure for number 2 because that's the whole question

wait would number 2 be b ? i was confused on that one . and be for the last question also ?

Yes on 2, textiles.

Read about Jim Crow laws:

And, as Ms. Sue asked, Tillman who?


2. At one time or place or another, all of those industries attracted workers by promising housing. Check your assigned text materials.



so for the last one would it be A ?

Yes. 3A

Last one: Yes, A is best. Read the article about Jim Crow. It was more than just restricting voting rights, but that was a major goal.

And Ms. Sue is right, textiles was not the only industry to provide housing for workers, but was one of the first to do so. Lumber also did. What you should answer I can't tell you. Either is right, and oil, too, to some extent.

thank you mrs.sue and reed :) if i have anymore questions do you mind helping ? if not its ok i understand :)