Write a paragraph using the preterite & the imperfect and tell about:

¿Qué hacías o jugabas cuando eras niño (5 o 6 años) (a)? 5-6 frases completas

Here is the paragraph I wrote:
Cuando tenía 5 o 6 años que jugué muchos deportes. Yo siempre jugaba al fútbol el sábado. Aprendí a nadar los lunes y miércoles. Bailé los martes y jueves. Y yo jugaba al tenis todos los viernes. Los domingos me encantaba salir a comer con mi familia o amigos.

I am not sure whether I used the preterite and imperfect correctly. Also did I use the correct feminine adjectives? I've had trouble with that in past assignments.

I've sent this to Sra. Please check back for her reply.

You do not need clause relater "que" in the first sentence. It's better to also use "los" in front of "miércoles."

Actually there are no adjectives in what you wrote. You need to decide if something DID occur, or occurED and was over and done with = the Preterit, or if it WAS ocurrING, USED TO occur often = the Imperfect.

The Preterit has a beginning and an end. The Imperfect never ended as far as you know, or you were concentrating on the "middle" of the event.

I'll flag this and come back later to see if you still have questions.


Great attempt at using the preterite and imperfect tenses! You correctly used the imperfect tense when talking about past habitual actions, such as "jugaba" (I used to play) and "aprendí" (I learned). You also used the preterite tense when mentioning specific actions that were completed in the past, such as "jugué" (I played) and "bailé" (I danced).

In terms of feminine adjectives, you did not use any in the paragraph you provided. However, I can help you with any specific examples you have in mind. Just let me know!

Great effort on your paragraph! You started off well by using the preterite tense to talk about specific past actions. For example, "jugué muchos deportes" (I played many sports) and "aprendí a nadar" (I learned how to swim). However, in the rest of the paragraph, you should use the imperfect tense to talk about ongoing or repeated actions in the past. Here are some suggestions for corrections:

- Cuando tenía 5 o 6 años, solía jugar muchos deportes (imperfecto). Siempre jugaba al fútbol los sábados. (pretrito)
- Aprendía a nadar los lunes y miércoles. (imperfecto)
- Bailaba los martes y jueves. (imperfecto)
- También jugaba al tenis todos los viernes. (imperfecto)
- Los domingos, me encantaba salir a comer con mi familia o amigos. (imperfecto)

Keep in mind that adjectives in Spanish should agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify. In your paragraph, you didn't use any adjectives that need agreement, so there were no issues with feminine forms. However, it's great that you're aware of this grammar rule, as it will be essential in future assignments. Keep practicing and you'll continue to improve!