Which of the following methods is used to narrow a broad essay topic?

A. Brainstorming
B. Branching and questioning
C. Polling classmates
D. Wikipedia

my answer is a.

I change my answer . Is b.

If the essay is to be a joint project with multiple authors, they could brainstorm. It's difficult to brainstorm all by oneself.

I choose B, because brainstorming is used to get ideas, not to narrow an essay topic.

Okay. I agree with B.

mi to

That's correct! The method used to narrow a broad essay topic is brainstorming. However, let me explain the process so you can better understand how to approach it.

Brainstorming is a creative technique that helps generate ideas and thoughts related to a specific topic. When it comes to narrowing down a broad essay topic, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by writing down the broad essay topic at the center of a piece of paper or in a blank document.
2. Set a time limit, perhaps 5-10 minutes, and jot down as many ideas or subtopics as possible that come to mind about the main topic. Write freely without filtering or judging the ideas.
3. Once the time is up, review the list of ideas you have generated. Look for patterns or connections between them.
4. Identify the most promising and relevant subtopics that align with the main essay topic. These subtopics will help narrow down the focus of your essay.
5. Consider the feasibility and availability of research materials for each of the identified subtopics.
6. Choose the most suitable subtopic that aligns with your interests, the available resources, and the essay requirements.

So, in summary, brainstorming is the method used to generate multiple potential subtopics or ideas, which ultimately helps in narrowing down a broad essay topic.