Tim sells sneakers. He receives $9.75 an hour and 3% commission on sales. One week he works 24 hours and his sales total $1,879.95. What are his total earnings for the week ? Please help

Samuel Worthy earns both $7.25/hour and a 10% commission on all sales. During the most recent week, he worked 42 hours and made total sales of $11,000.

(9.75 * 24) + (0.03 * 1879.95) = ?

thank you

You're welcome.

To calculate Tim's total earnings for the week, we need to find two components: his hourly wage and his commission.

1. Hourly wage:
Tim receives $9.75 per hour and works for 24 hours in a week. So, we can find his hourly earnings by multiplying the hourly wage by the number of hours worked:
Hourly earnings = $9.75/hour * 24 hours = $<<9.75*24=234>>234

2. Commission:
Tim receives a 3% commission on his total sales. Therefore, we can calculate his commission by multiplying his sales by the commission rate:
Commission = 3% * $1,879.95 = 0.03 * $1,879.95 = $<<0.03*1879.95=56.39999999999999>>56.40

Now, we can find his total earnings for the week by adding his hourly earnings and commission:
Total earnings = Hourly earnings + Commission = $234 + $56.40 = $<<234+56.4=290.4>>290.40

Therefore, Tim's total earnings for the week would be $290.40.