1/5 of the number of children in the village have been vaccinated against polio.if 50 children have been vaccinated, find the number of children in the village

(1/5)x = 50

x = 50 / (1/5)

x = 50 * (5/1)

x = 250


To find the total number of children in the village, we need to determine the whole, from which the 1/5th portion has been vaccinated.

Let's set up the equation:

1/5 of the total number of children = number of vaccinated children

Let's represent the total number of children as 'x':

1/5 * x = 50

Now, let's solve for 'x'.

Multiply both sides of the equation by 5 to cancel out the fraction:

1/5 * 5 * x = 50 * 5

On the left side, 5 and 1/5 cancel out, leaving only 'x':

x = 50 * 5

Finally, calculate the right side of the equation:

x = 250

Therefore, there are 250 children in the village.