Secession and War Quiz

1) The admission of Missouri as a slave state was controversial in the Senate because...

:The Senate was pro-slavery.
:It would create sectionalism.
:It would upset the balance.***
:The Senate was anti-slavery.

2) The main topic of the Lincoln-Douglas debates was...

:Western territories.
:War with Mexico.
:The economy.

3) Southerners justified secession with the theory of...

:Constitutional rights.
:Federal rights.
:The Union's errors.
:States' rights.***

4) What plan specified that slavery should be prohibited in any lands that might be acquired from Mexico?

:Missouri Compromise.
:Clay's Plan.
:Mexican Plan.
:Wilmot Proviso.***

5) What book by Harriet Beecher Stowe showed slavery as a brutal, cruel system?

:Slavery in the South.
:Slavery's System.
:African Americans in Slavery.
:Uncle Tom's Cabin.***

6) What was the first territory to shed blood in a civil war over slavery?

:South Carolina.

7) In the election of 1856, the presidency was secured for James Buchanan by...

:Northern votes.
:Republican votes.
:Southern votes.***
:Whig votes.

8) What Supreme Court decision divided the nation even more?

:Fugitive Slave case.
:Dred Scott case.***
:Clay's ruling.
:John Brown case.

9) Douglas's stand that people could exclude slavery by refusing to pass laws protecting slaveholders' rights came to be known as...

:Douglas's Debate.
:The Slaveholder's Rights.
:The Freeport Doctrine.***
:Douglas's Doctrine.

10) How did the 1860 election contribute to the breakup of the Union?

:By electing a president many believed would not protect Southern rights.***
:By electing a pro-slavery president whom the North would not tolerate.
:By allowing freed slaves to vote.
:By electing a president whose stated intention was to outlaw slavery immediately.

All look correct to me!


To answer these questions, it is important to have knowledge of the historical events and context surrounding secession and war in the United States. However, if you do not know the exact answers, you can use the process of elimination or make an educated guess based on the given options.

1) The admission of Missouri as a slave state was controversial in the Senate because it would upset the balance. The correct answer is: :It would upset the balance.

2) The main topic of the Lincoln-Douglas debates was slavery. The correct answer is: :Slavery.

3) Southerners justified secession with the theory of states' rights. The correct answer is: :States' rights.

4) The plan that specified that slavery should be prohibited in any lands that might be acquired from Mexico is called the Wilmot Proviso. The correct answer is: :Wilmot Proviso.

5) The book by Harriet Beecher Stowe that showed slavery as a brutal, cruel system is Uncle Tom's Cabin. The correct answer is: :Uncle Tom's Cabin.

6) The first territory to shed blood in a civil war over slavery was Kansas. The correct answer is: :Kansas.

7) In the election of 1856, the presidency was secured for James Buchanan by Southern votes. The correct answer is: :Southern votes.

8) The Supreme Court decision that divided the nation even more was the Dred Scott case. The correct answer is: :Dred Scott case.

9) Douglas's stand that people could exclude slavery by refusing to pass laws protecting slaveholders' rights came to be known as the Freeport Doctrine. The correct answer is: :The Freeport Doctrine.

10) The 1860 election contributed to the breakup of the Union by electing a president many believed would not protect Southern rights. The correct answer is: :By electing a president many believed would not protect Southern rights.

By understanding the historical events and the options provided in each question, you can determine the correct answers.