Use the CPT manual to assign the appropriate procedure code to the following excersie.

3. Diagnostic, Rigid bronchoscopy for the evaluation of chronic hemoptysis.

CPT Code: ___________


To assign the appropriate procedure code for the diagnostic, rigid bronchoscopy for the evaluation of chronic hemoptysis, we can refer to the CPT manual. Here's how you can do it:

1. Open the CPT manual and locate the index section. This is usually found at the back of the manual.
2. Look for the main term related to "bronchoscopy." In this case, it would be "bronchoscopy."
3. Once you find the main term, check for any subterms that may be relevant to the specific type of bronchoscopy. In this case, we have "rigid bronchoscopy."
4. Find the subterm "rigid bronchoscopy" and look for any modifiers or additional details, such as "diagnostic."
5. Based on the description provided, it seems that you are looking for a code for a diagnostic rigid bronchoscopy, so focus on the codes that specify diagnostic procedures.

Once you have located the relevant section, you can find the appropriate code for the procedure. Since I don't have the CPT manual in front of me, I am unable to provide you with the exact code. However, by following the steps above, you should be able to determine the correct code for the given scenario.