1. When the Texas Railroad Commission enforced new restrictions in 1931, those that benefited most were

individual wildcatters.
small oil operators.
large oil companies.
Texas state officials.*

2. The geographic area hardest hit by drought in the 1930s is called
the East Texas field.
the Depression.
the Dust Bowl.*
Daisy Bradford No. 3.

3. The drop­a­crop plan proposed by Governor Long of Louisiana

was mostly ineffective.
a great success.
ignored by most farmers.
declared unconstitutional by a Texas court.*

I really don't know #1. Try that Texas history site I gave you yesterday. #2 is correct. #3, I don't know. Dropacrop was very controversial and the Texas legislature got into the act, but I have not found much on it on line.

I had number 1 wrong it is c

I took my test and it shows the correct answer. The other ones are right

To answer these questions, we will analyze the provided options and provide explanations for each correct answer:

1. When the Texas Railroad Commission enforced new restrictions in 1931, those that benefited most were:
- individual wildcatters
- small oil operators
- large oil companies
- Texas state officials

Explanation: The correct answer is "large oil companies." The Texas Railroad Commission's restrictions in the 1930s primarily aimed to regulate and stabilize oil production. These restrictions limited excessive oil drilling, which benefited large oil companies by preventing excessive competition and maintaining higher prices.

2. The geographic area hardest hit by drought in the 1930s is called:
- the East Texas field
- the Depression
- the Dust Bowl
- Daisy Bradford No. 3

Explanation: The correct answer is "the Dust Bowl." The Dust Bowl refers to the severe ecological and agricultural disaster that occurred in the Great Plains region of the United States during the 1930s. This region, including parts of Texas, experienced severe drought, combined with poor farming practices, which led to severe soil erosion and massive dust storms.

3. The drop­a­crop plan proposed by Governor Long of Louisiana:
- was mostly ineffective
- a great success
- ignored by most farmers
- declared unconstitutional by a Texas court

Explanation: The correct answer is "declared unconstitutional by a Texas court." Governor Long of Louisiana proposed the "drop-a-crop" plan as part of an effort to stabilize agricultural prices and alleviate the effects of the Great Depression. However, in Texas, the plan was challenged in court and eventually declared unconstitutional, rendering it ineffective in that state.