Which of the following is an antonym of the word happy?

A. Miserable
B. Blissful
C. Jovial
D. Joyful

my answer is a.


To determine the antonym of a word, we need to understand the meaning of the given word and analyze the options provided. In this case, the given word is "happy," which generally means feeling or showing joy or contentment.

Now, let's examine the options:

A. Miserable: Miserable is a strong candidate for an antonym of "happy" because it represents a state of great unhappiness or suffering. This makes it a likely match.

B. Blissful: Blissful means extreme happiness or joy, so it is not an antonym of "happy" because it represents a similar meaning.

C. Jovial: Jovial means cheerful or friendly, which aligns with the concept of happiness, so it is not an antonym.

D. Joyful: Joyful means feeling or expressing great happiness or joy, so it is not an antonym either.

Based on this analysis, option A, "Miserable," appears to be the correct answer as it signifies the opposite of "happy." Therefore, your answer of A is indeed correct.