what are the two main factors that determine where organisms live?

Availability of food and mates? Safety from predators?

The two main factors that determine where organisms live are their physical environment and their interactions with other organisms. To understand this concept, we need to consider the following:

1. Physical Environment: The physical environment includes factors such as temperature, humidity, availability of water, sunlight, soil type, and topography. Different organisms have different tolerance levels for these environmental factors. For example, certain plants thrive in cold climates with low temperatures, while others require warm temperatures to survive. Similarly, some animals are adapted to live in aquatic environments, while others are well-suited for life on land. Organisms are often distributed in specific habitats that provide them with the necessary resources and conditions for survival and reproduction.

2. Interactions with Other Organisms: Organisms are also influenced by the presence and interactions with other organisms in their environment. This includes both competition and cooperation with other species. For example, certain plants may compete for sunlight, water, and nutrients in the same habitat. Predator-prey relationships also play a significant role in species distribution. Organisms tend to occupy niches, which are specific ecological roles or positions in a community, based on factors such as what they eat, how they reproduce, and where they live.

To determine where organisms live, scientists study the ecology of different species, including their physiological adaptations, behavioral patterns, and relationships with other organisms. They use field observations, laboratory experiments, and mathematical models to analyze which environmental factors are critical for the survival and distribution of different species. This knowledge helps us understand the patterns of biodiversity and how organisms are distributed across different ecosystems.