A big difference in the South is that people drink a lot of sweet tea and drink a soda called Rcola which is not found in the Midwest. Another common food is found in South is fried green tomatoes. One food that is found in the South is grit it is a dish of coarsely ground corn kernels boiled with water and milk it also served with biscuits.

I am having a hard get the sentences to flow and how to make the not to brief

Well, first of all Royal Crown Cola (RC cola) is found in the Midwest as well as the south. It's a national brand.

To make the sentences flow better would be to write: "Yet another food that is popular in the South is grits, a dish of coarsely...usually served with biscuits."

Sweet tea is the way iced tea is almost always served in the South. In the Midwest it is not served pre-sweetened. The tea drinker must add his or her own sugar if desired.

Another thought: Since you are writing about food, look up black-eyed peas. They are more popular in the South than anywhere else, and have a special significance on New Year's Day. Look it up.

Okra is another Southern favorite.

Yes, it is! Especially in New Orleans.

To make your sentences flow better and avoid being too brief, you can incorporate additional details and connect the thoughts more smoothly. Here's an improved version of your paragraph:

One notable difference between the South and the Midwest is their beverage preferences. In the South, a popular choice is sweet tea, a refreshing drink made with black tea and sweetened with sugar. Additionally, you'll find a unique soda called Rcola, which is exclusive to the South and not commonly found in the Midwest.

When it comes to Southern cuisine, fried green tomatoes stand out as a beloved dish. These tomatoes are not fully ripe and are dipped in a batter before being fried to perfection.

Another iconic Southern food is grits. Grits are made from coarsely ground corn kernels and are typically boiled with water and milk. They are often served as a side dish, either plain or with added flavors like cheese or butter, and are commonly accompanied by fluffy biscuits.

By expanding on the details and connecting the sentences more fluently, it should help improve the flow and coherence of your paragraph.