A proportionate tax consumes a determinate apportionment of one’s monetary flow.

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To understand the concept of a proportionate tax and its relation to a determinate apportionment of one's monetary flow, let's break it down step by step:

1. Proportionate Tax: A proportionate tax, also known as a flat tax, is a tax system in which everyone pays the same percentage of their income, regardless of their income level. For example, if the proportionate tax rate is set at 10%, everyone would pay 10% of their income as tax.

2. Monetary Flow: Monetary flow refers to the amount of money that an individual earns or receives within a given period. It includes various sources of income such as wages, salaries, dividends, interest, and other forms of revenue.

3. Determinate Apportionment: Determinate apportionment refers to the allocation or distribution of something in a specific and fixed manner. In the context of taxation, it means that the proportionate tax consumes a fixed or constant proportion of one's monetary flow.

Putting it together, when we say that a proportionate tax consumes a determinate apportionment of one's monetary flow, it means that for every individual, regardless of their income level, the tax paid is a fixed or constant proportion of their total monetary flow. The specific percentage of tax paid remains the same, regardless of how much money a person earns.

For example, if someone earns $50,000 in a year and the proportionate tax rate is set at 10%, their tax liability would be $5,000 (10% of $50,000). In this case, the proportionate tax consumes a determinate apportionment of their monetary flow, as the tax paid is a fixed or constant proportion (10%) of their income, resulting in $5,000 being allocated towards taxes.