Which of the following is a pure substance?

A. Chocolate milk
B. Orange Juice
C. Seawater
D. hydrogen peroxide (h202)
is the answer C.

fax tho

I don't think C is right. D. is the correct answer.

Glad I could help! :)

ud my man it's obviously D because it looks complicated

To determine which of the following is a pure substance, we need to understand what a pure substance is. A pure substance is a type of matter that has a definite and constant composition, meaning it is made up of only one type of atom, molecule, or compound. It cannot be separated into other substances by physical means.

Let's evaluate each option:

A. Chocolate milk: Chocolate milk is a mixture of milk, chocolate, sugar, and other ingredients. It is not a pure substance because it is a combination of different substances.

B. Orange Juice: Like chocolate milk, orange juice is also a mixture. It is made up of water, orange pulp, sugars, and other compounds. It is not a pure substance.

C. Seawater: Seawater is a mixture of water and various dissolved substances, such as salts, minerals, and organic matter. Therefore, it is not a pure substance.

D. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2): Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical compound made up of hydrogen and oxygen atoms. It has a definite composition and cannot be broken down into simpler substances without chemical means. Therefore, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a pure substance.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is D. hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).

Thanx Lily with ur help i got it right :)