Paul travels from Rye to Easton at an average speed of 90km/h. He travels for T hours.

Mary makes the same journey at an average speed of 70km/h. She travels for 1 hour longer than paul.
Work out the value of T.

90T = 70(T+1)

90T = 70T + 70
20T = 70
T = 3.5 h.

To find the value of T, we need to consider the distance covered by both Paul and Mary.

Let's start by finding the distance traveled by Paul. The formula to calculate distance is:

Distance = Speed x Time

Given that Paul traveled at an average speed of 90 km/h for T hours, we can calculate his distance as:

Distance by Paul = Speed of Paul x Time taken by Paul
= 90 km/h x T
= 90T km

Similarly, Mary traveled at an average speed of 70 km/h for T + 1 hours (1 hour longer than Paul). We can calculate her distance as:

Distance by Mary = Speed of Mary x Time taken by Mary
= 70 km/h x (T + 1)
= 70(T + 1) km

Since they both traveled the same distance, we can set up the equation:

Distance by Paul = Distance by Mary
90T = 70(T + 1)

Now we can solve this equation to find the value of T.

Expanding the equation:
90T = 70T + 70

Subtracting 70T from both sides:
20T = 70

Dividing both sides by 20:
T = 70 / 20

Calculating the value of T:
T = 3.5

Therefore, the value of T is 3.5 hours.