Create a visual representation embodying safety awareness. The scene should include elements reflecting three different safety themes: fire safety, accident prevention, and personal safety in deserted areas. For fire safety, depict a fire extinguisher next to a pile of materials that can easily burn. For accident prevention, show a first aid kit and a safety helmet suggesting construction safety and precaution. For personal safety in deserted areas, depict a pair of figures walking together under a dimly lit street lamp.

1. flammable materials

A. catch fire easily and burn easily
B. are only something construction workers need to worry about
C. are safe if stored correctly
D. don't catch fire easily

2. You can prevent most accidents
true or false

3. Avoid deserted places, such as dard streets, parks, garages. If you cannot avoid them make sure you walk with a friend.
true or false?

1. A
2. False
3. False
Please check

it was 1.A

thanks both of you

1. A

2. True
3. True

Kel is right A, true, true 100%.

Kel is right, thanks I got 100%!!!👍☺

1. A

2. A/True
3. A/True

like this comment👍

1. A

2. True
3. True

Kel is Right! Thanks Kel

1. A. Catch fire easily and burn easily
2. A. True
3. A. True
Once again thanks Kel for the answers and everyone else's answers
Hope y'all have a great day! Good Luck to everyone in school.

thanks kel

kel is correct