People who work in the field of mental health__________a________ (Points : 1)

may reveal information in cases where the patient intends bodily harm to another person.
may never reveal confidential information.
ought to never reveal any information.
may not reveal information about diseases that could be used to inflict pain on another person.
none of the above

may reveal information in cases where the patient intends bodily harm to another person.

I agree.

The correct answer is: may reveal information in cases where the patient intends bodily harm to another person.

When it comes to working in the field of mental health, professionals are bound by ethical guidelines and legal obligations to maintain patient confidentiality. This means that they generally cannot share any information about a patient without their consent. However, there are certain situations where mental health professionals may be obligated to breach this confidentiality. One such situation is when a patient expresses an intention to harm another person. In such cases, mental health professionals have a duty to protect potential victims and may therefore be required to disclose information about the patient's intentions. This exception to confidentiality is put in place to prioritize the safety and well-being of others. So, in cases where a patient intends bodily harm to another person, mental health professionals may reveal information to prevent harm from occurring.