how do you write a flow chart for program that accepts a salespersons ID num and num of policies sold in the last month, and displays the data only if the salesperson is a high performer-a person who sells more than 25 policies in the month?.. Im lost on this one.

What programming language?

You can work on the flow-chart based on a pseudocode such as:

enter ID, ID
enter number of policies sold, N
if N > 25
print ID, N

To write a flowchart for this program, you can follow these steps:

1. Start: Begin the flowchart.
2. Input: Add a process symbol for inputting the salesperson's ID number and the number of policies sold in the last month.
3. Decision: Use a decision symbol to check if the number of policies sold is greater than 25.
4. If condition is true (more than 25 policies sold): Go to the process symbol for displaying the data.
5. Display data: Add a process symbol to display the salesperson's ID number and the number of policies sold.
6. Stop: Add the terminal symbol to end the flowchart.
7. If condition is false (less than or equal to 25 policies sold): Connect the "No" arrow back to the start or stop the flowchart, depending on the desired outcome.

Here is a textual representation of the flowchart:

Start -> Input -> Decision (Number of policies > 25?) -> Yes -> Display data -> Stop

Remember, a flowchart is a visual representation of a program's structure, so you'll need to implement this logic in a programming language of your choice to get the desired outcome.