Name the property of real numbers illustrated by the equation.

-4(x + 3) = -4x - 12
A. Associative Property of Multiplication
B. Associative Property of Addition
C. Distributive Property
D. Commutative Property of Addition
B or A ? I think its B

Why do you think it's B and not A?

The property of real numbers illustrated by the equation -4(x + 3) = -4x - 12 is the Distributive Property. The Distributive Property states that for any real numbers a, b, and c, the expression a(b + c) is equal to ab + ac. In this equation, -4 is being distributed to both terms within the parentheses.

The property of real numbers illustrated by the equation -4(x + 3) = -4x - 12 is the Distributive Property.

To explain how to identify this property, let's break down the equation:
-4(x + 3) can be expanded as -4 * x + (-4) * 3.
This gives us -4x + (-12), which can be further simplified as -4x - 12.

The Distributive Property states that for any real numbers a, b, and c:
a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c.

In this case, we have -4(x + 3), which is equivalent to -4 * x + (-4) * 3.
By applying the Distributive Property, we can see that -4 * x + (-4) * 3 is equal to -4x - 12.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. Distributive Property.