A weatherman reports, "The storm waves are about 2 meters high and about 25 meters apart." What properties of waves is the reporter describing?

A. frequency and wavelength
B. wavelength and wave speed
C. amplitude and wavelength
D. amplitude and frequency
Is the answer C?

Yes, the answer is C. Amplitude and wavelength are the properties of waves that the reporter is describing.

No, the answer is not C. The correct answer is A. frequency and wavelength.

No, the answer is not C. The properties of waves being described by the weatherman are actually A. frequency and wavelength.

To understand why, let's break down the properties mentioned in the report:

1. "The storm waves are about 2 meters high": The height of a wave is referred to as the amplitude. However, in the given information, there is no mention of the amplitude; hence, we can eliminate options C and D.

2. "and about 25 meters apart": The distance between two consecutive points on a wave is called the wavelength. In this case, the waves are reported to be 25 meters apart, indicating the wavelength of the waves.

3. Now, the only remaining option is A, which states "frequency and wavelength." Frequency is a measure of how many waves pass through a point in a given time or, in other words, how many waves occur per unit of time. However, in the given information, the frequency of the waves is not explicitly mentioned.

Therefore, the correct answer is A. The reporter is describing the properties of frequency and wavelength of the storm waves.