why gasoline wouldn't dissolve in water ?

Gasoline is non-polar and therefore won't dissolve in water. To dissolve in water it needs to be polar.

Thank you :)

Gasoline is a mixture of hydrocarbons, which are organic compounds consisting of hydrogen and carbon atoms. This composition makes gasoline non-polar, meaning it lacks a positive or negative charge and does not interact well with polar substances like water.

To understand why gasoline doesn't dissolve in water, we need to consider the concept of solubility. Solubility refers to the ability of a substance (solvent) to dissolve another substance (solute) to form a homogeneous mixture. In general, "like dissolves like," which means substances with similar polarities tend to dissolve in each other.

Water is a highly polar molecule due to its bent shape and the unequal distribution of electrons between oxygen and hydrogen atoms. The oxygen atom tends to be more electronegative, giving it a partial negative charge (δ-) while the hydrogen atoms have a partial positive charge (δ+). This polarity allows water molecules to form hydrogen bonds and attract other polar molecules.

On the other hand, gasoline contains nonpolar hydrocarbon molecules like octane, benzene, and toluene. These hydrocarbons have covalent bonds where the electrons are shared equally, resulting in a symmetrical distribution of charge and no permanent dipole moment. As a result, gasoline molecules lack the necessary charge distribution to form hydrogen bonds with water molecules.

Due to the significant difference in polarity between gasoline and water, they do not mix or dissolve in each other. Instead, gasoline floats on the water's surface, as they form distinct layers. This phenomenon is similar to oil and water separation.

If you were to try and dissolve gasoline in water, you would observe that the two substances remain separate. The gasoline will form droplets or a thin film on the water's surface, rather than dispersing uniformly throughout the water.

It's important to note that while gasoline and water don't mix, gasoline can dissolve in other nonpolar solvents like hexane or toluene, which have similar polarities.