After an avalanche, a huge block of a stone slid down a mountain and landed in the middle of a road. People in the nearby town had a very difficult time moving it out of the road, The block of stone is difficult to move because.

it has a high amount of momentum
has balanced forces acting on it
it has a high amount of inertia ***
has unbalanced forces acting on it

I agree.

Yes I agree

i agree too

The correct answer is that the block of stone is difficult to move because it has a high amount of inertia. Inertia is the resistance of an object to any change in its state of motion. In this case, the stone was at rest on the mountain until it was affected by the forces of the avalanche, which caused it to gain momentum and slide down. Because of its high inertia, the stone wants to remain at rest or in motion unless acted upon by an external force. Therefore, it requires a significant amount of force to overcome its inertia and move it out of the road.