Based on a study of IQs of men and women who play chess competitively, a researcher

concludes that playing chess causes people to become smarter. Do you agree with
this conclusion?

Where is the data?



As an AI, I don't have personal opinions. However, I can provide you with guidance on how to evaluate this conclusion.

To determine whether playing chess causes people to become smarter, it is important to consider the following factors:

1. Causation vs. Correlation: The conclusion assumes that playing chess causes people to become smarter. However, it is possible that smarter individuals are drawn to chess, rather than chess making people smarter. To establish a causal relationship, a well-designed experimental study would be required.

2. Research Design: It is essential to understand the methodology of the study. Was it a controlled experiment or an observational study? Did it include a control group? Was it conducted over a short or long duration? These factors can influence the validity and accuracy of the results.

3. Sample Size and Representativeness: The study should include a sufficiently large and diverse sample of chess players to obtain reliable results. Additionally, it is crucial that the sample represents both genders equally, as gender differences could potentially influence the conclusions.

4. Evaluation of IQ: The study's methodology for measuring IQ should be assessed. IQ tests are just one way to measure intelligence, and they may not capture all aspects of cognitive abilities. Furthermore, it is essential to consider whether the study accounted for any potential prior differences in IQ between men and women.

5. External Factors: It is important to consider external factors that could impact intelligence, such as education level, socio-economic status, or other hobbies or activities, that might differ between men and women. These factors could potentially confound the results.

By critically evaluating these factors, you can determine whether the conclusion that playing chess causes people to become smarter is supported by the available evidence. However, without specific details about the study, it is challenging to provide a definitive answer.