My class is doing an essay on dracula and I need help with a thesis statement. This is the topic I chose:

Issue of Trust & Sharing of Knowledge-Is there ever a time when it is better to be kept/keep others in ignorance? How does this connect to the idea of establishing and overarching truth? What are the dangers in this? What does it exclude?

And this is what I have written so far:
I think that Stoker's intentions regarding the topic were to show that trusting in others really is important and is needed to achieve a goal. If the men hadn't brought Mina with them or told her of their events, she wouldn't have been able to figure out where Dracula was so that they could destroy him once and for all.
^ That's just some notes that i took, it's not part of the essay.
I'm just not sure how to start a thesis statement on this topic. Also, I'm not exactly sure what the "truth" is. Thank you!!

This is an excellent site about formulating thesis statements.

Thank you!

To develop a strong thesis statement on the topic of the issue of trust and the sharing of knowledge in relation to Dracula, it is important to consider the central conflicts and themes present in the novel. Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can form your thesis statement:

1. Understand the literary elements: Begin by analyzing the novel and identifying key elements related to trust, knowledge, and truth. Consider the characters' actions and decisions, the consequences of their trust or lack thereof, and the overall message that Bram Stoker is trying to convey.

2. Identify contrasting perspectives: Look for instances in the story where characters withhold knowledge or choose to reveal it. Consider the motivations behind these actions and how they impact the plot and characters' relationships. Identify any conflicts or dangers that arise from these decisions.

3. Reflect on the bigger picture: Consider why the issue of trust and the sharing of knowledge is significant in the broader context. Reflect on how it connects to the idea of establishing an overarching truth, and what implications this has for the characters and the overall narrative.

4. Craft your thesis statement: Once you have a clear understanding of the themes and conflicts surrounding trust, knowledge, truth, and their implications, you can now formulate your thesis statement. This statement should encompass your analysis and provide a focused argument about the topic.

Example thesis statement:

"In Bram Stoker's Dracula, the issue of trust and the sharing of knowledge serves as a catalyst for both the characters' successful pursuit of truth and the dangers they face. Through instances of withholding or revealing information, the novel shows that, although there may be justifiable reasons to keep others in ignorance, ultimately, trust and sharing knowledge are crucial for achieving an overarching truth, as they empower individuals to overcome obstacles and identify and eliminate threats."

Remember, your thesis statement should be specific, arguable, and encompass the main points you intend to discuss in your essay. It provides a roadmap for your paper, guiding your analysis and evidence collection.