A piece of japanese armor was once used to protect the heads of soildiers this work has since been replaced by twenty-first century fighting gear but the original armor is on in a museum this change over time is a example of

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1 B

2 C
3 B
4 C
5 B

This change over time is an example of technological advancement and evolution in warfare. As new technology and methods of combat are developed, older equipment becomes obsolete and is replaced by more effective and efficient gear. The specific example you mentioned, the Japanese armor used to protect soldiers' heads, highlights how advancements in modern fighting gear have rendered traditional armor obsolete.

To get a comprehensive understanding of this change, it is recommended to:

1. Conduct Historical Research: Research the historical context and evolution of Japanese armor to understand the purpose, design, and significance of head protection in ancient warfare.

2. Study Technological Advancements: Explore the developments in 21st-century fighting gear, such as helmets and other protective equipment, used by modern soldiers. Understand the improvements in technology, materials, and design that have made these new gears more effective.

3. Explore Military History Sources: Examine military history books, articles, and journals to gain insights into the transition from traditional armor to contemporary gear. Look for accounts, testimonies, or studies that highlight the reasons for the change and the impact it had on warfare.

4. Visit a Museum or Access Online Resources: If possible, visit a museum that displays ancient Japanese armor. Observe the exhibited pieces to see the specific head protection gear that was used. Alternatively, access online resources, virtual exhibits, or image collections to examine and study the armor.

By following these steps, you can gain a better understanding of how the armor used to protect soldiers' heads in ancient times has been replaced by 21st-century fighting gear, reflecting the continuous evolution of technology in warfare.