Experiment 1 results:

mass of crucible 88g
mass of hydrate 93g
mass of salt 91.196g

1. Calculate the following:
a:mass of water in the hydrate sample (g)
b:number of moles of water in the sample
c:mass of pure salt in the sample (g)
d:number of moles of salt in the sample
e:molar ratio of water to salt in the sample
2. From your calculations, what is the empirical formula of copper sulfate hydrate?
3.4. Write the equation for the decomposition of the hydrate, CuSO4*XH2O.

Experiment 2 results:
mass of crucible: 88g
mass of hydrate and crucible: 93g
mass of salt:90.342

1. Calculate the following:
a:mass of water in the hydrate sample (g)
b:number of moles of water in the sample
c:mass of pure salt in the sample (g)
d:number of moles of salt in the sample
e:molar ratio of water to salt in the sample

2.From your calculations, what is the empirical formula of magnesium chloride hydrate?

3.Write the equation for the decomposition of the hydrate, MgCl2*XH2O.

These are the calculations I can up with for experiment 1:

a:mass of water in the hydrate sample (g) 1.804g
b:number of moles of water in the sample 0.100g
c:mass of pure salt in the sample (g) 3.196g
d:number of moles of salt in the sample .0214g
e:molar ratio of water to salt in the sample 4.673g

For Experiment 2:
a:mass of water in the hydrate sample (g) 2.658g
b:number of moles of water in the sample 0.148g
c:mass of pure salt in the sample (g) 2.342g
d:number of moles of salt in the sample 0.016g
e:molar ratio of water to salt in the sample 9.25g

I really just need it checked and help with the formulas please!

Formulas for experiment 1:

CuSO4.XH2O --------> CuSO4 + XH2O

Formulas for experiment 2:
MgCl2 * X H2O = MgCl2 + X H2O

I just need someone to check my answers please :)

For Experiment 1:

1. Calculate the following:
a. Mass of water in the hydrate sample (g):
Mass of hydrate = 93g
Mass of salt = 91.196g
Mass of water = Mass of hydrate - Mass of salt = 93g - 91.196g = 1.804g

b. Number of moles of water in the sample:
Moles of water = Mass of water / Molar mass of water
Molar mass of water = 18.015 g/mol
Moles of water = 1.804g / 18.015 g/mol = 0.1002 mol

c. Mass of pure salt in the sample (g):
Mass of salt = 91.196g

d. Number of moles of salt in the sample:
Moles of salt = Mass of salt / Molar mass of salt
Molar mass of salt = Molar mass of copper sulfate (CuSO4) - Molar mass of water (18.015 g/mol)
Molar mass of copper sulfate (CuSO4) = (63.546 g/mol) + (32.066 g/mol) + (4 * 16.00 g/mol) = 159.609 g/mol
Molar mass of salt = 159.609 g/mol - 18.015 g/mol = 141.594 g/mol
Moles of salt = 91.196g / 141.594 g/mol = 0.643 mol

e. Molar ratio of water to salt in the sample:
Molar ratio = Moles of water / Moles of salt = 0.1002 mol / 0.643 mol

2. From your calculations, the empirical formula of copper sulfate hydrate is CuSO4 * 5H2O.

3. The equation for the decomposition of the hydrate, CuSO4 * XH2O, can be written as:
CuSO4 * XH2O -> CuSO4 + XH2O

For Experiment 2:

1. Calculate the following:
a. Mass of water in the hydrate sample (g):
Mass of hydrate and crucible = 93g
Mass of crucible = 88g
Mass of hydrate = Mass of hydrate and crucible - Mass of crucible = 93g - 88g = 5g

b. Number of moles of water in the sample:
Moles of water = Mass of water / Molar mass of water
Moles of water = 5g / 18.015 g/mol = 0.277 mol

c. Mass of pure salt in the sample (g):
Mass of salt = 90.342g

d. Number of moles of salt in the sample:
Moles of salt = Mass of salt / Molar mass of salt
Molar mass of salt = Molar mass of magnesium chloride (MgCl2) - Molar mass of water (18.015 g/mol)
Molar mass of magnesium chloride (MgCl2) = 24.305 g/mol + 2 * 35.453 g/mol = 95.211 g/mol
Molar mass of salt = 95.211 g/mol - 18.015 g/mol = 77.196 g/mol
Moles of salt = 90.342g / 77.196 g/mol = 1.169 mol

e. Molar ratio of water to salt in the sample:
Molar ratio = Moles of water / Moles of salt = 0.277 mol / 1.169 mol

2. From your calculations, the empirical formula of magnesium chloride hydrate is MgCl2 * 2H2O.

3. The equation for the decomposition of the hydrate, MgCl2 * XH2O, can be written as:
MgCl2 * XH2O -> MgCl2 + XH2O

To calculate the values in both Experiment 1 and Experiment 2, we need to use the following formulas and principles:

1. Calculations for Experiment 1:
a. Mass of water in the hydrate sample (g):
Mass of water = Mass of hydrate - Mass of salt
Mass of water = 93g - 91.196g = 1.804g

b. Number of moles of water in the sample:
Number of moles = Mass / Molar mass
Molar mass of water = 18g/mol
Moles of water = Mass of water / Molar mass of water
Moles of water = 1.804g / 18g/mol = 0.1002 mol

c. Mass of pure salt in the sample (g):
Mass of pure salt = Mass of salt - Mass of water
Mass of pure salt = 91.196g - 1.804g = 89.392g

d. Number of moles of salt in the sample:
Moles of salt = Mass of pure salt / Molar mass of salt
Molar mass of salt (CuSO4) = 63.546g/mol + 32.066g/mol + (4 x 16.00g/mol)
Moles of salt = 89.392g / Molar mass of salt

e. Molar ratio of water to salt in the sample:
Molar ratio = Moles of water / Moles of salt

2. Empirical formula of copper sulfate hydrate:
The empirical formula represents the simplest ratio of elements present in a compound. To find the empirical formula, you need the molar ratio of water to salt from step 1e in Experiment 1.

3. Equation for the decomposition of the hydrate CuSO4*XH2O:
The general equation for the decomposition of a hydrate is:
Hydrate → Salt + Water
Therefore, the equation for the decomposition of CuSO4*XH2O in Experiment 1 would be:
CuSO4*XH2O → CuSO4 + XH2O

Now let's perform the calculations for Experiment 2:

1. Calculations for Experiment 2:
a. Mass of water in the hydrate sample (g):
Mass of water = Mass of hydrate and crucible - Mass of crucible
Mass of water = 93g - 88g = 5g

b. Number of moles of water in the sample:
Moles of water = Mass of water / Molar mass of water

c. Mass of pure salt in the sample (g):
Mass of pure salt = Mass of salt - Mass of water

d. Number of moles of salt in the sample:
Moles of salt = Mass of pure salt / Molar mass of salt

e. Molar ratio of water to salt in the sample:
Molar ratio = Moles of water / Moles of salt

2. Empirical formula of magnesium chloride hydrate:
To find the empirical formula, you need the molar ratio of water to salt from step 1e in Experiment 2.

3. Equation for the decomposition of the hydrate MgCl2*XH2O:
The general equation for the decomposition of a hydrate is:
Hydrate → Salt + Water
Therefore, the equation for the decomposition of MgCl2*XH2O in Experiment 2 would be:
MgCl2*XH2O → MgCl2 + XH2O