When the energy of a light wave is transferred to a particle and causes it to vibrate and generate heat the energy of the light wave is

A. Absorbed
B. Reflected
C. Refracted
D. Transmitted
Is the answer A?
Thank you

A is right

Yes, the answer is A. The energy of the light wave is absorbed when it is transferred to a particle, causing it to vibrate and generate heat.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the different processes that can occur when light interacts with matter:

1. Absorption: When the energy of a light wave is absorbed by a material, it causes the material's electrons to vibrate or move to higher energy levels, resulting in the conversion of light energy into other forms (such as heat).

2. Reflection: When light is reflected, it bounces off the surface of a material without being absorbed. This is what happens when you look into a mirror, for example.

3. Refraction: Refraction occurs when light waves pass from one medium to another (such as air to water or vice versa) and their direction and speed change. This bending of light is responsible for phenomena like the bending of a straw in a glass of water.

4. Transmission: Transmission refers to the process where light passes through a material without being absorbed or reflected.

In this scenario, the given particle is being affected by the light by generating heat, which means that the energy of the light wave is being transferred and absorbed by the particle. Therefore, the correct answer is A - Absorbed.
