Martha earns $8.76 per hour at her job. Last week, she worked for 32.5 hours. On average, if Martha worked 5 days last week, how much did she earn each day?

To find out how much Martha earned each day, you can divide her total earnings for the week by the number of days she worked.

Step 1: Calculate Martha's total earnings for the week.
Martha earned $8.76 per hour, and she worked for 32.5 hours.
Total earnings = $8.76/hour * 32.5 hours = $<<8.76*32.5=284.1>>284.1

Step 2: Calculate the average earnings per day.
Since Martha worked for 5 days, we divide the total earnings by 5.
Daily earnings = $284.1 / 5 = $<<284.1/5=56.82>>56.82 (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, Martha earned approximately $56.82 each day on average last week.

(8.76 * 32.5) / 5 = _____________

Suppose you have a job teaching swimming lessons and get paid $9 an hour. You also have a job as a cashier and get paid $7 an hour. If you cannot work more than 20 hours a week, what are the number of hours you can work at each job and still make at least $160?

Marta earns $8.76 per hour at her job. Last week, she worked for 32.5 hours. How much money did Marta earn last week