Students must make a choice concerning their daily practices that will reduce the amount of energy that is consumed in their practice. This must be clearly illustrated using fotor, including the choice made, types of energy conserved, approximate amount of energy conserved, and how they are going to implement their choice. Keep in mind all of the requirements of the project when making your choice, as well as what you have learned in class about energy and its uses. Students should strive to come up with ideas that are unique to their lifestyles and more in depth than just turning off the lights.

i was thinking about jars, and ways that you could recycle jars and the amount of energy used to make and create them, so why not just recycle them. does this answer the requirements or should i use a different approach

or how about...

clearly illustrated using fotor: instead of jars illustrate appliance being unplugged

the choice made: "unplug"

types of energy conserved: energy saving; light

approximate amount of energy conserved:
even when their not being used they use about 75 or 100 watt light bulb running continuously.

and how they are going to implement their choice:may save around $10 every month

To reduce the amount of energy consumed in their daily practices, students can make a choice that aligns with their lifestyle while thinking beyond simple solutions like turning off lights. Here's a step-by-step process to illustrate this using Fotor:

1. Brainstorm: Start by brainstorming potential choices that students can make to conserve energy. Encourage them to think creatively and consider their daily activities, habits, and routines. They can consider various aspects such as transportation, electronics, water usage, heating/cooling, and food consumption.

2. Choose a Unique Idea: Select one unique idea from the brainstorming session that stands out and is feasible to implement. For example, one possible idea could be "Adopting a Sustainable Diet."

3. Types of Energy Conserved: Determine the types of energy conserved with the chosen idea. In the case of adopting a sustainable diet, it would primarily focus on reducing the energy consumed in the production and transportation of food. This includes energy used for farming, processing, packaging, and transportation.

4. Approximate Amount of Energy Conserved: Research and gather data to estimate the amount of energy that can be conserved through the chosen choice. Students can look up statistics on energy consumption in food production, such as the energy required to grow crops, raise livestock, and transport goods.

5. Implementation Plan: Develop a plan on how to implement the chosen choice. Students should consider the specific actions they need to take to incorporate the choice into their daily practices. For adopting a sustainable diet, they can:

a. Reduce meat consumption and opt for plant-based alternatives, as meat production requires significant energy resources.
b. Buy locally grown produce to minimize transportation energy.
c. Choose seasonal foods to reduce the energy required for refrigeration and storage.
d. Avoid excessive packaging and opt for bulk or package-free options whenever possible.
e. Minimize food waste by proper storage, meal planning, and composting.

6. Design a Fotor Presentation: Use Fotor or any other creative tool to design a visually appealing presentation that highlights the chosen choice, the types of energy conserved, the estimated amount of energy saved, and the implementation plan. Include relevant images, charts, and graphics to enhance the presentation.

By following this process, students can effectively illustrate their choice to reduce energy consumption, showcase their understanding of energy use, and present a unique and in-depth solution to the given project requirements.