is this statement always, sometimes, or never true: the absolute value of a positive integer is a negative integer. i think never am i correct

I agree.

the absolute value of a positive interview is a negative integer.

Always,sometimes,or never true


I gonna understand like wo you

but ok
I A gree

is the sum

A positive integer and a negative integer is always, sometimes, or never a postive? Which one?


Your response is correct. The statement "the absolute value of a positive integer is a negative integer" is never true.

To understand why it is never true, let's review the concept of absolute value. The absolute value of a number is the distance that number is from zero on a number line. Since a positive integer is always greater than zero, its absolute value will always be the positive integer itself. In other words, the absolute value of a positive integer is never negative.

To verify this, you can take any positive integer, such as 5, and calculate its absolute value. The absolute value of 5 is 5, which is positive.

Therefore, the statement is never true, and your answer is correct.