Hello, sorry if its possible i want a code written in c++.

Write the pseudocode for a program to calculate the wages of a sales according to the following rules. The wage is calculated at a rate of 15% of sales. If the salesman has been with the company more than three years, he receives a loyalty bonus of 10% of his calculated wages.

iam not understanding this code,

i want in c++

Write Aprogram in C++ language That reads in Two integers and determines and prints if The firist is multiple of the second

Sure! Here's the pseudocode for a program to calculate the wages of a salesperson:

1. Prompt the user to enter the sales amount.
2. Read and store the sales amount.
3. Calculate the wage by multiplying the sales amount by 0.15 (15%).
4. Check if the salesman has been with the company for more than three years.
a. If yes, calculate the loyalty bonus by multiplying the calculated wage by 0.10 (10%).
b. If no, skip to step 6.
5. Add the loyalty bonus to the calculated wage.
6. Display the total wage.

Here's the corresponding C++ code:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
double salesAmount;
double wage;
double loyaltyBonus = 0.0;

// Prompt the user to enter the sales amount
std::cout << "Enter the sales amount: ";
std::cin >> salesAmount;

// Calculate the wage
wage = salesAmount * 0.15;

// Check if the salesman has been with the company for more than three years
if (yearsOfService > 3) {
// Calculate the loyalty bonus
loyaltyBonus = wage * 0.10;

// Add the loyalty bonus to the calculated wage
wage += loyaltyBonus;

// Display the total wage
std::cout << "The total wage is: $" << wage << std::endl;

return 0;

Note: In the above code, you need to add the variable `yearsOfService` to get the number of years the salesman has been with the company.