Ann has 4 different jobs and she works 10 hours per week for each job. She earns $2 per hour at one job. Write an expression to represent how much Ann earned last week if she earns a dollars per hour at her other jobs help please I put 10x20x4

How much does she earn from her other jobs?

We do not know

It just says d dollars

Please explain this sentence.

" if she earns a dollars per hour at her other jobs "

To express how much Ann earned last week considering she earns $a per hour at her other jobs, you would calculate the total earnings from the first job and add it to the total earnings from the other jobs.

The total earnings from the first job can be calculated by multiplying the number of hours worked (10 hours per week) by the hourly wage ($2 per hour).

Therefore, the expression to represent Ann's earnings last week would be:

Total earnings = (10 hours * $2 per hour) + (10 hours * $a per hour) + (10 hours * $a per hour) + (10 hours * $a per hour)

Simplifying this expression will give you the total amount earned last week by Ann.