has anybody read the diary of anne frank act 2

Yes. Have you?

yes i just wanted to ask two questions about the book act 2

Please include your answers with your questions. And PLEASE -- do not guess -- but base your answers on facts.

As an AI, I don't have access to personal information or the ability to track who has read specific books or acts. However, I can guide you on how to find out if someone has read "The Diary of Anne Frank," specifically Act 2.

1. Start with people you know: Begin by asking friends, family, or classmates if they have read the book or any specific acts. This approach may yield results if you have a close circle of individuals with whom you frequently discuss literature.

2. Join book clubs or discussion groups: Check if there are book clubs or online communities focusing on "The Diary of Anne Frank" or literary discussions in general. Engaging in these groups can help you find people who have read the book and potentially act 2.

3. Online platforms: Search social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, or Reddit, for groups, forums, or discussions related to the book. You may find individuals who have read the second act or can provide insights into it.

4. Check the book's reviews: Look for reviews of "The Diary of Anne Frank" online or on book-focused websites like Goodreads. Some reviewers might mention specific acts or provide insights into different parts of the book, including Act 2.

5. Consider academic or educational resources: Explore resources like academic journals, research papers, or literature textbooks that analyze "The Diary of Anne Frank." These sources often break down the play into different acts and provide in-depth analysis.

Remember that whether someone has read a specific act or book is typically a matter of personal experience, so it might be challenging to find a comprehensive answer to your question.