About 80% of infections disease is spread by hand contact.




1. True

3. Wash your hands

Took the test. I know there right.

1. True

2. True
3. Follow food safety rules.
Hope this helped! And btw I’m on Connexus if that matters😁

To confirm whether the statement "About 80% of infections diseases are spread by hand contact" is true or false, we can analyze data and information related to the topic.

Explanation on how to get the answer:
1. Research credible sources: Look for reliable sources such as scientific studies, research articles, or reputable health organizations that provide information on the transmission of infectious diseases.
2. Analyze statistical data: Review statistical data related to the spread of infectious diseases to determine the role of hand contact in transmission.
3. Consult experts: Seek the opinion of medical professionals, epidemiologists, or public health experts who have extensive knowledge in the field of infectious diseases.

Without access to specific data or studies, it is challenging to provide an accurate answer. However, it is generally accepted that hand contact plays a significant role in the transmission of infectious diseases. Many common diseases, such as the common cold, influenza, and gastrointestinal infections, can spread through contaminated hands. Regular handwashing and proper hygiene practices are encouraged to minimize the risk of infections being transmitted through hand contact.