Can anyone help me find links or sites about sum and product of the roots of quadratic equation solving real life problem involving similarity and proportion?

Certainly! To find links or sites about solving real-life problems involving the sum and product of the roots of quadratic equations, here's how you can proceed:

1. Start by searching for keywords related to your query. For instance, you can search for "real-life problems involving sum and product of quadratic equation roots" or "applications of quadratic equations in similarity and proportion."

2. Use a reliable search engine, such as Google. Enter the keywords into the search bar and review the results.

3. Look specifically for educational websites, online forums, or math-related blogs that provide explanations, examples, or problem-solving techniques related to your topic. These sources often offer insights into real-life scenarios where quadratic equations are used.

4. Check for websites that focus on math education, such as Khan Academy, Math is Fun, or Math Playground. These sites generally provide comprehensive explanations and examples of real-life applications of quadratic equations.

5. Consider academic and educational resources, such as textbooks or research papers, which may delve into more advanced applications of quadratic equations in similarity and proportion.

Remember that the validity of the information found on websites is crucial. Ensure that the sources you use are reputable, trustworthy, and backed by math professionals or educators.