Generate an image capturing the essence of Greek architecture and its influence on American structures. Include a Greek temple with iconic columns and pediment, illustrating its rich historical weight. Nearby, show an American courthouse also exhibiting Greek architectural elements, symbolizing the quest for truth and knowledge. To represent optical illusions, create columns that subtly appear thicker at the bottom. Avoid incorporating any text within this image.

1.The Greek temple has often inspired the design of what type of American structure?

A. amphitheater
B. Colosseum
C. courthouse
D. Bridge
Is the answer A?? Thanks in advance

Why might a college choose to use Greek architectural elements such as columns when designing the central building on campus?
A. Greek architecture symbolizes the pursuit of peace and love.
B. Greek architecture symbolizes the pursuit of truth and knowledge.
C. Greek architecture symbolizes the pursuit of strength and beauty.
D. Greek architecture symbolizes the pursuit of rebellion and resistance.
Is the answer B??

3. Which example best represents the use of optical illusions in Greek and Greek-inspired American architecture?
A. Columns that are thinner at the bottom.
B. reliefs with cleverly hidden messages
C. columns with intricately designed capitals
D. columns that are thicker at the bottom.
Is the answer D??
Thank you in advance

1.) c. courthouse

2.) b. the pursuit of truth and knowledge
3.) d. columns that are thicker at the bottom

the answer is 1.c 2.b and 3.d your get a 100% guarantee.

1. C- courthouse

2. B- to symbolize the Grecian ideas of truth and knowledge
3. D- columns that are thicker at the bottom

Aren't u here too? Don't act like a hierarchy, oblivious saint. Clearly you looked up the answers as well so get off your infantile high horse child.



Thanks for everyone's help i got 100%

the correct answers are C, B, D for Art 8b Democratic Architecture. (for connexsus)

You just said "you guys are all cheaters I'm just here to check my answers" how do you know that we're not here to check our answers you don't know what we're doing you just assumed we're all cheating and I don't think the people who cheat are that bad because they don't know the answers and they aren't just gonna get an F so they search it so that they can keep a good grade if your cheating to me it's not even that bad but next time try to read some of the paragraph and see if you can understand it or maybe email some of your teachers for a quick study guide maybe ik sometimes it seems boring but I believe in you guys can do it. And for the people who are here to check your answers and shame people who cheat you're just as bad bc if you got it wrong you come here and find the answer to change ur answer same thing as cheating no excuses so just stop pretending you're better than someone who's here to cheat. Bye guys happy learning💖👋🏽

Answers are still the same C.courthouse
B. Truth and knowledge
D. Columns are thicker at the bottom
For #2 you can see that its B because college's are for learning and they want the kids to be honest so truth and knowledge are the correct answer! Bye!

literally laughing from these people coming here saying not to cheat but they know good and well why they on here. smh, good luck on the things guys. bil out.

I find it funny how some people call other people here cheaters and then say they come here to check there answers which is still cheating