1.Under the Library of Congress system,where would you begin to research for books on the legal system of Greece?

[ D.G]

2. You've located three books on a topic you're researching for an essay.The first thing you should do in determining if any of these books will be useful is
[A.browse each book from front to back]
B.examine the index of each book
C.study the table of contents carefully in each book
D.inspect each book jack for notes about the author
It's not C.try it got It wrong

3.If a source is reasonable is reasonable,we know
A.the information offered is up-to-date,factual detailed,and precise.
[B.We can trust the and believe the author]
C.the information offered is fair,balanced,easy to believe,and consistent
D.the information is universally accepted
It's not A.try it got it wrong
please help

Use this to determine #1:


#2 ... I wouldn't choose A.

#3 ... How would you determine if the author can be trusted and believed?

It's C

1. Under the Library of Congress system, you would begin researching for books on the legal system of Greece by referring to the call number classification. Each letter in the call number represents a subject area. Given the options provided (A, B, C, D), the correct answer is D. You should begin your research in the "G" section of the Library of Congress system, as that section covers books on law.

2. In determining if any of the three books you located will be useful for your essay, the best approach would be to examine the index of each book (option B). The index will provide you with a comprehensive list of topics discussed in each book, allowing you to quickly assess whether they cover the specific information you need for your essay.

3. If a source is reasonable, it means that we can trust and believe the author (option B). This implies that the author has established credibility and is an authoritative source on the topic being discussed.