When adding the square root of 16 and -8 which type of number is the sum?

A. Integer
B. Irrational number
C. Radical
D. Whole number

I interpret

"adding the square root of 16 and -8"
"adding the square root of 16 and the square root of -8"
which gives
= 4+2√2 i
which is a complex irrational number.

If I interpret
"adding the square root of 16 and -8"
"the square root of the sum of 16 and -8", then
the result is
which is an irrational number.

You may be in a better position to judge what your teacher means.

square root of 16 and adding it to negative 8 makes -4

It would count as a integer

Is this right

Well, let's see! When we add the square root of 16 and -8, we get 4 + (-8), which equals -4. So, the sum is actually an integer. So, the answer is A. Integer. Although, I must say, adding numbers has never been more "square"!

To find the sum of the square root of 16 and -8, we'll first simplify each square root.

The square root of 16 is 4, since 4 multiplied by itself equals 16.
The square root of -8 is not a real number, as the square root function is only defined for non-negative numbers.

So, we have 4 + √-8. The sum of a real number (4) and an imaginary number (in this case, the square root of -8) is a complex number.

However, none of the answer choices given (A. Integer, B. Irrational number, C. Radical, D. Whole number) specifically mention complex numbers.

Given the options, the closest fit would be B. Irrational number. However, it's important to note that the sum is not an irrational number, but rather a complex number.

Can someone please help me with the rest of the anwsers send them to me on Instagram @jacob_is_santa_24