10.Which Piece Of Evidence Supports a Loosening of Islamic Tradition In saudi Arabia? A)The Hijab B) Five Pillars C)Women Politicians D)Prayer Outside The home

I Say B) Five pillars



Look up the other terms and re-think.

Um Women Politicians?


Are there women in Saudi Arabia who are politicians?


r u sure xD

It's got to be c. Their traditions believe that women shouldn't be politicians because they believe only men can or should do the important jobs. They have women politicians now though, so they must be getting looser with traditions.

To determine which piece of evidence supports a loosening of Islamic tradition in Saudi Arabia, we need to understand what the five pillars of Islam are and their significance within the religion.

The five pillars of Islam are fundamental acts of worship that are considered the foundation of the Islamic faith. They are as follows:

1. Shahada (Faith): The declaration of faith in the oneness of Allah and the acceptance of Muhammad as his prophet.

2. Salah (Prayer): The performance of ritual prayers five times a day facing towards Mecca.

3. Zakah (Charity): The giving of alms or charity to help those in need and to purify one's wealth.

4. Sawm (Fasting): The observance of fasting during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan from dawn until sunset.

5. Hajj (Pilgrimage): The pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca that Muslims are expected to undertake at least once in their lifetime, if physically and financially able.

Based on the information provided, it can be inferred that the five pillars of Islam actually represent a strengthening of Islamic tradition, as they are the core principles and practices that Muslims are expected to uphold. Therefore, B) Five pillars does not support a loosening of Islamic tradition in Saudi Arabia.

To identify the piece of evidence that supports a loosening of Islamic tradition in Saudi Arabia, we can analyze the other options:

A) The Hijab: The hijab is a traditional head-covering worn by some Muslim women as a symbol of modesty and religious observance. While the interpretation and enforcement of wearing the hijab can vary in different Islamic countries, including Saudi Arabia, it generally reflects a conservative approach to Islamic tradition rather than a loosening of it.

C) Women Politicians: The presence of women politicians in Saudi Arabia, such as women being allowed to vote and run for office, can be seen as a sign of societal change and a loosening of traditional gender roles. This shift indicates a progression towards more inclusive political participation and rights for women, suggesting a loosening of Islamic tradition.

D) Prayer Outside The Home: The option of prayer outside the home indicates a potential relaxation of strict gender segregation norms and traditional restrictions on public religious practices. Allowing public prayers outside the home could be seen as a step towards a more open and inclusive interpretation of Islamic traditions.

Considering the above points, both C) Women Politicians and D) Prayer Outside The Home support a loosening of Islamic tradition in Saudi Arabia. However, the final decision would require further examination of specific sociopolitical factors and changes in Saudi Arabia.